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Gambling Words Of Wisdom

Praise be to Allah.

Make no mistake about it. Overcoming a gambling addiction is tough work.If it were as simple as just walking away from the casinos, slots, sports betting, track or card games, there’d be a lot fewer problem and compulsive gamblers.Some gamblers might have tried cutting down on gambling or even stopping. Jul 30, 2015 - Explore Casino Cash Vault's board 'Gambling Quotes', followed by 1596 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Quotes, Gambling quotes, Gambling.

Gambling is haraam because Allaah has forbidden it, andHe rules as He wills. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholicdrinks), gambling, al-Ansaab [sacrifices for idols, etc.] and al-Azlaam [arrows forseeking luck or decision] are an abomination of Shaytaan’s handiwork. So avoid(strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.

Shaytaan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you withintoxicants (alcoholic drink) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allaahand from al-salaat (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?”[al-Maa’idah5:90-91]

Yes, many words of wisdom from ancient India are lost. Not each and every guru has found the true meaning. I don´t know how deep GAMBLER´S HYMN, RIG VEDA, 10TH MANDALA is, but on the surface level gambling addiction is visible in this ancient text. Just ask Google. Socrates himself did not leave one written word.

With regard to the wisdom behind this prohibition, any wise personwill see that there are many reasons for it, including the following:

  1. Gambling makes a person rely on accidents, luck and wishful thinking forhis earnings, instead of hard work, the sweat of his brow and paying respect to the waysprescribed by Allaah.

  2. Gambling destroys families and causes the loss of wealth through haraammeans. It makes rich families poor and humiliates proud souls.

  3. Gambling results in enmity and hatred among the players, because theyare consuming one another’s wealth unlawfully and getting wealth unlawfully.

  4. Gambling turns people away from the remembrance of Allaah and fromprayer, and pushes the players to have the worst of attitudes and habits.

  5. Gambling is a sinful hobby that wastes time and effort, and makes peopleget used to laziness and idleness. It stops the ummah from working and producing.

  6. Gambling pushes people to commit crimes because the one who is pennilesswants to get hold of money in any way he can, even if he has to steal it or take it byforce, or through accepting bribes and cheating.

  7. Gambling causes stress, illness and nervous breakdowns. It breeds hatredand in most cases leads to crime, suicide, insanity and chronic illness.

  8. Gambling pushes the gambler to bad behaviour such as drinking alcoholand taking drugs. The atmosphere in which gambling takes place is dimly lit and filledwith cigarette smoke; people talk in hushed voices and whispers, and sneak in and out asif they are up to no good. They come in hesitantly, filled with suspicion, and gatheraround the green table, breathing uneasily and with their hearts pounding. They aresupposed to be friends playing a game, but in reality they are enemies, each of them lyingin wait for the other and trying to make gains at the expense of the other and hischildren. The owner of the place tries to numb the feelings of all participants byoffering dreamy music, fallen women, all kinds of drinks and cigarettes. The green tableis surrounded with cheating and deception. The waiters and girls may tell one player aboutanother player’s cards, helping one player to beat another by means of nods andwhispers. Sometimes they achieve a kind of balance to make sure the game carries on andpeople stay for longer. No doubt everyone loses in the end, they lose the money they spendon drinks and cigarettes, the money they give to the waiters, the money they spend ondrinks for the girls, and all kinds of other losses. Even the one who wins all or most ofthe games loses all or most of his winnings, and the loser loses everything. And at theend of the night, they all sneak away, showing the signs of depression and humiliation,and the loser warns the winner to look out the next day.

(Ahmad Shalabi, al-Hayaatal-Ijtimaa’iyyah fi’l-Tafkeer al-Islami, p. 241)

How many families have become poor because of gambling?How many mouths have gone hungry, how many bodies have become naked or been clothed innothing but rags? How many marriages have failed, how many jobs have been lost, because ofa person who stole money to support his gambling habit? How many men have sold theirreligion and honour at the gambling table? Gambling destroys everything, even when the aimis money. It includes wine, smoking, bad company, darkness, confusion, cheating, hatred,watching for opportunities to take advantage of others, deception and all other kinds ofevil.

(Qadaayaa al-Lahw wa’l-Tarfeeh, p. 388)

We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound.

Gambling has been around since the dawn of man, so it should come as no surprise that there’s been some talk on the subject over the years. You’ll find references to gambling almost anywhere you look, from ancient proverbs and quips from literary heroes to words of wisdom from professional bettors.

We’ve collected some of the most memorable gambling related quotes. Some will make you laugh while others might help you develop a successful betting strategy.

“Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.”

You’ve probably heard these words at some point, but you’d be forgiven for not knowing who said them. They came from a Spanish Jesuit priest, Baltasar Gracián y Morales (1601-1658). He was also a writer and philosopher whose most famous work was a book called ‘The Art of Worldly Wisdom’. Sounds like an art every bettor should master.

“The excitement that a gambler feels when making a bet is equal to the amount he might win times the probability of winning it.”

Blaise Pascal was something of a genius. An inventor, mathematician, physicist, and theological writer, the Frenchman’s mathematical mind was sought out by fellow mathematical theorist, Pierre de Fermat, to decipher a gambling issue. Their correspondence on the matter laid the foundation for the modern day theory of probability.

“I want people to understand, gambling is not a bad thing if you do it within the framework of what it’s meant to be, which is fun and entertaining.”

Gambling Words Of Wisdom

While these are definitely wise words, the fact that they come from Michael Jordan means that we should take them with a grain of salt. The basketball legend has reportedly lost millions in gambling wagers over the years (It’s also been rumored that his early resignation for the game was really a suspension due to his gambling antics). Perhaps Jordan should have listened to his own advice and kept it ‘fun and entertaining’, rather than career-destroying.

“In gambling, the many must lose in order that the few may win.”

George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright, critic and political activist. He also had strong feelings against gambling which were the basis for his essay entitled, ‘The Vice of Gambling and the Virtue of Insurance’.

“Look around the table. If you don’t see a sucker, get up, because you are the sucker.”

Thomas Austin Preston, Jr. aka ‘Amarillo Slim’ was a professional gambler and world-class poker player who was inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame in 1992. Amarillo Slim once confessed on the game show ‘I’ve Got a Secret’ to losing $190,000 in one night of poker. Perhaps he uttered these words after learning from that little mistake.

Gambling Words Of Wisdom Quotes

“If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.”

The Chinese have had plenty of experience– the earliest evidence of gambling dates back to 2300 BC in ancient China with a rudimentary game of chance using tiles. Interestingly, this Chinese proverb may be one of the very first gambling strategies on record. If you read any article on gambling or sports betting tips, you’ll find the exact same advice today.

“A gambler never makes the same mistake twice. It’s usually three or more times.”

Terrence “VP Pappy” Murphy is a poker player and writer who has many insightful ideas about the gambling industry and those who play. This one is particularly perceptive. We all know, (or have been) that person who just can’t stop at one loss (or who repeatedly makes the same mistakes). If you recognize yourself in this quote, it’s time to take a hard look at your strategy.

“A gentleman is a man who will pay his gambling debts even when he knows he has been cheated.”

No one likes a sore loser, and neither did Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy. One of the greatest literary novelists, near the end of his days, Tolstoy had a spiritual awakening and rejected his lavish, aristocratic lifestyle. After his death, his diaries showed a period where he revelled in ‘gambling and girls’. He even made up elaborate card-playing rules, such as only playing cards with those richer than himself. Makes sense!

“Hoping to recoup is what ruins the gambler.”

This Irish proverb gives you sound advice for your betting strategy: never chase your losses. Follow these words of wisdom and maybe you’ll have ‘the luck of the Irish’. Although, perhaps their luck has run out, since the Irish are reportedly the world’s third biggest losers in the gambling world.

“Remember this: The house doesn’t beat the player. It just gives him an opportunity to beat himself.”

Nicholas Dandolos also known as ‘Nick the Greek’ was a professional gambler and high rolling poker player. Dubbed the ‘gentleman of gambling’, he was rumored to have rubbed shoulders with Albert Einstein, taking him to a poker game and introducing him as “Little Al from Princeton”.

“She got to go to heaven four days early.”

It may not look like a gambling quote at first, but the words were spoken by the Bill Clinton about his mother’s last visit to Vegas just before she died. Virginia Kelley was a flamboyant character who, when her son was President, split her holidays between the White House and Las Vegas.

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

Best Words Of Wisdom

So there you have it: Words of reflection, wisdom, scorn, and hilarity on the ever-popular topic of gambling. The world of wagering and betting attracts all sorts – from writers to theorists, mathematicians to sports stars. Find out more about celebrities and sports athletes who love to bet!